ACB 로고

pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673
Table. 2.

The minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation values of the parameters measured in single profunda brachii artery, the first branch of brachial artery

Parameters Number of extremities Min. (mm) Max. (mm) Mean (mm) SD (mm)
AL 29 252.2 319.4 289.9 17.5
PC-PBA 29 58.9 108.0 90.0 12.2
CH-PBA 29 68.1 117.3 99.0 13.2
LBAA-PBA 29 16.3 59.4 40.0 7.7
PBA-FBBA2 29 3.9 62.2 27.3 14.3
FBPBA-PBA 29 1.6 28.0 8.7 5.9
DBA 29 4.6 7.4 5.7 0.7
DPBA 29 1.6 3.8 2.5 0.6

P<0.05 was considered significant. The abbreviation “ABID1”, which expresses the case that the first branch of the brachial artery (FBBA) is a different branch from the profunda brachii artery (PBA), the abbreviation “ABID2” is used to indicate the FBBA after the PBA. Min., minimum; Max., maximum; SD, standard deviation; AL, arm length; PC-PBA, the shortest distance between the most protruding point of processus coracoideus (PC) of the scapula and the origin of PBA; CH-PBA, the shortest distance between the apex of caput humeri (CH) and the origin of PBA; LBAA-PBA, the shortest distance between the origin of the last branch of axillary artery (LBAA) and the origin of PBA; PBA-FBBA2, the shortest distance between the origin of PBA and the origin of the FBBA2 after PBA; FBPBA-PBA, the shortest distance between the origin of the first branch of PBA (FBPBA) and the origin of PBA; DBA, the outer diameter of the brachial artery (BA) where it gives the PBA; DPBA, outer diameter of PBA at the place of origin.

Anat Cell Biol 2024;57:511~516
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