Fig. 2. (A) Morris Water Maze time spent locating the escape platform of the initial and final trial, and (B) differences in the final trial of Wistar rats following induction of ischemic stroke and treatment with a PTT fruit. (C) Morris Water Maze path length locating the escape platform (initial and final trial) in Wistar rats following induction of I/R and treatment with PTT or MNC as well as control. (D) Path length locating the escape platform (final trial) of Wistar rats following induction of I/R and treatment with PTT or MNC as well as control. n=5; mean±SEM, paired sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post-hoc test. Control, 2 ml/kg of distilled water+a drop of dimethyl sulphoxide; MNC, minocycline; PTT, phenolics fraction of Tetrapleura tetraptera; I/R, ischemia/reperfusion. aP<0.05 significance difference when I/R+MNC and I/R+200 mg PTT is compared to I/R, bP<0.05 when compared to the I/R group.
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