Fig. 4. Tongue intrinsic muscles at near-term. H&E staining. A single horizontal section of a fetus of 271 mm. Panels (B, D) display higher magnification views of squares in panel (A). Squares in panels (B, D) are shown in panels (C, E) at the higher magnification, respectively. The vertical muscle (VM) fibers cross muscle fibers of the inferior longitudinal muscle (ILM) at a manner between solitary-to-solitary muscle fibers with few tissue at the interface (C, E). These muscles also cross the transverse muscle (TM), but the latter muscle fibers are bundled (B, D). Panels (B, D) or panels (C, E) were prepared at the same magnification. (A) Scale bars=1 mm, (B, C) scale bars=0.1 mm.
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