Fig. 1. Three-dimensional volume renderings. (A) Posterior view of the maxillary sinuses (MSs), posterior walls removed. (B) Superior view of the MSs, roofs removed. (C) Anterior view of the MSs, anterior walls removed. (D) Lateral view of the medial wall of the right MS. (E) Infero-lateral view of the medial wall of the left MS. (F) Medial view of the left lateral nasal wall. (G) Medial view of the right lateral nasal wall. Legends 1–21 indicate right-side landmarks. Legends 22–41 indicate left-side landmarks. 1. Infraorbital canal; 2. oblique intrasinus septum; 3. postero-lateral chamber of the MS; 4. medial infraorbital recess; 5. prelacrimal recess; 6. lacrimonasal canal; 7. retrolacrimal recess; 8. lateral infraorbital recess; 9. uncinate process; 10. uncinate bulla; 11. main drainage ostium of the right MS; 12. posterior Haller cells; 13. sphenoidal recess of the MS; 14. nasal recess of the MS; 15. middle nasal turbinate; 16. semilunar hiatus; 17. ethmoidal bulla; 18. basal lamella of the middle nasal turbinate; 19. Santorini’s supreme nasal turbinate; 20. superior nasal turbinate; 21. floor of the sphenoidal sinus; 22. infraorbital canal; 23. oblique intrasinus septum; 24. air cell of the intrasinus septum; 25. the slit-like passage between the chambers of the MS; 26. postero-lateral chamber of the MS; 27. lateral infraorbital recess; 28. medial infraorbital recess; 29. prelacrimal recess; 30. lacrimonasal canal; 31. retrolacrimal recess; 32. uncinate process; 33. uncinate bulla; 34. main drainage ostium of the left MS; 35. nasal recess of the MS; 36. middle nasal turbinate; 37. semilunar hiatus; 38. ethmoidal bulla; 39. basal lamella of the middle nasal turbinate; 40. anterior medial end of the nasal recess of the MS; 41. posterior medial end of the nasal recess of the MS.
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