Fig. 6. Macrophotography and stereomicroscopy (images with orange hue) detailing clitoral pearls, and clitoral craters (white arrowheads), proximal to clitoropreputial adhesions (CPAs) (black arrowheads) in three example clitorises. Each row of images represents a series of increasing magnification from left to right. Superimposed black boxes correspond to adjacent magnified views. (A) A clitoral crater, formed by a clitoral pearl, is seen at the distal margin of the corona (stars) and proximal to a CPA in the clitoris of a 92-year-old white female donor body. A fringe of remnant preputial tissues remains adherent to the glans (yellow arrowheads). (B) Small clitoral pearls located proximal to a CPA are seen leaving clitoral craters post-removal in the clitoris of a 71-year-old white female donor body. Scale bars are found in stereomicroscopic images to illustrate the relatively small size of the clitoral pearls and the remnant craters. (C) Clitoral craters and remnants of the tissues covering the cavities which occupied clitoral pearls (blue arrowheads) are seen interspersed with numerous, relatively smaller, clitoral pearls in the clitoris of a 76-year-old white female donor body. Preputial craters (green arrowheads) are also seen on the face of the prepuce immediately opposing the clitoral crater.
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