ACB 로고

pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Clitoral pearls located proximal to clitoropreputial adhesions (CPAs) (black arrowheads). (A) Left-sided dorsolateral view of clitoral pearls located along the corona of a 92-year-old embalmed white female donor. (B) Clitoral pearls in a 75-year-old unembalmed white female donor are shown alongside a crenulated CPA remnant that mirrors the contour of the pearls. (C) Clitoral pearls are seen along the corona of the clitoris and proximal to a wavy-contoured remnant of a CPA in a 76-year-old embalmed white female donor. (D) Clitoral pearls are clustered proximal to a far-distally-located CPA remnant in a 73-year-old embalmed white female donor.
Anat Cell Biol 2024;57:183~193
© Anat Cell Biol

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