Fig. 1. Anatomy of the glans clitoris featuring the corona of the glans clitoris and the coronal sulcus. (A, B) Anterior and left dorsolateral views of the glans clitoris in a 90-year-old embalmed white female donor with a bisected prepuce. (C, D) Dorsal and right lateral view the glans clitoris in a 64-year-old recently deceased, unembalmed, white female donor with prepuce intact and retracted. C, corona; CS, coronal sulcus; F, frenulum/frenulae; G, glans clitoris; GPS, glandopreputial sulcus/balanopreputial sulcus; Lmaj, labium majus; Lmin, labium minus; P, prepuce; P*, prepuce bisected.
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