ACB 로고

pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673
Table. 2.

Comparison of the morphometric results of finger lengths with the findings in the literature

Fınger lenght
Female Male
Rıght Left Rıght Left
Thumb (mm)
Taner et al. [36] - - 57.55±9.36 57.53±8.63
Onat et al. [37] 60.13±4.31 59.54±3.70 67.06±4.51 66.82±4.46
Our study 46.72±4.58 48.81±4.38 50.60±5.91 54.34±6.01
Index finger (mm)
Lippa [27] 67.54±4.20 68.39±4.24 73.04±4.63 74.24±4.53
Ertuğrul and Otağ [38] 72.32±5.36 72.18±5.18 73.38±4.26 73.56±4.48
Taner et al. [36] - - 65.28±7.49 65.64±7.71
Onat et al. [37] 67.03±4.06 67.24±4.13 72.89±4.57 73.63±4.72
Our study 61.43±3.14 62.21±3.32 66.55±2.80 68.22±2.90
Middle finger (mm)
Taner et al. [36] - - 69.98±8.43 71.23±8.38
Onat et al. [37] 76.81±4.19 73.73±4.52 80.47±4.73 80.87±4.86
Our study 67.89±3.42 67.88±4.37 75.34±3.74 75.55±3.33
Ring finger (mm)
Lippa [27] 70.69±4.29 70.88±4.27 77.46±4.71 77.59±4.72
Ertuğrul and Otağ [38] 74.46±5.53 73.88±5.59 76.75±4.81 75.58±4.48
Taner et al. [36] - - 64.82±7.85 64.92±7.56
Onat et al. [37] 68.50±4.32 67.81±4.49 75.76±4.63 74.99±4.65
Our study 63.03±3.33 62.52±3.24 70.57±3.12 69.77±3.03
Little finger (mm)
Taner et al. [36] - - 53.49±7.77 53.55±6.59
Onat et al. [37] 56.08±4.21 54.65±4.30 62.02±4.28 61.04±4.21
Our study 51.44±2.81 50.17±2.96 58.71±2.17 56.82±2.60
Anat Cell Biol 2024;57:172~182
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