ACB 로고

pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673
Table. 1.

Measurements values of the distances and angles of fingers by sex

Measurements Details Female Male P-value Total P-value
Length of finger (mm) Thumb finger L 48.8±4.4 (39.3–55.5) 54.3±6.0 (44.0–68.0) <0.001* 50.9±5.7 (39.3–68) 0.001*
R 46.7±4.6 (37.2–53.2) 50.6±5.9 (44.4–62.8) 48.2±5.4 (37.2–62.8)
Index finger L 62.2±3.3 (56.2–69.1) 68.2±2.9 (63.6–73.5) 0.014* 64.5±4.3 (56.2–73.3) <0.001*
R 61.4±3.1 (55.8–68.4) 66.5±2.8 (61.8–71.1) 63.4±3.9 (55.8–71.1)
Middle finger L 67.9±4.8 (52.1–76.3) 75.5±3.3 (69.6–79.9) 0.294 70.7±5.5 (52.1–79.9) 0.573
R 67.9±3.4 (62.4–76.5) 75.3±3.7 (69.4–80.5) 70.7±5.1 (62.4–80.5)
Ring finger L 62.5±3.2 (57.9–68.8) 69.8±3.0 (64.8–74.4) 0.005* 65.2±4.7 (57.9–74.4) 0.018*
R 63.0±3.3 (56.9–70.1)* 70.6±3.1 (66.1–76.0)* 65.8±4.9 (56.9–76.1)
Little finger L 50.2±3.0 (44.0–54.7) 56.8±2.6 (51.5–61.5) <0.001* 52.6±4.3 (44.0–61.5) 0.006*
R 51.4±2.8 (45.0–56.5)* 58.5±2.6 (54.0–63.0)* 54.1±4.4 (45.0–63.0)
Distances between the fingers in the most distal part (DP-mm) Thumb finger L 54.0±4.5 (46.1–62.0) 59.9±4.7 (52.7–68.0) 0.131 56.2±5.4 (46.1–68.0) 0.500
R 52.6±4.7 (40.1–62.3) 62.0±6.2 (53.2–74.2) 56.1±7.0 (40.1–74.2)
Index finger L 9.6±1.7 (6.7–14.2) 11.1±2.5 (7.2–16.0) 0.874 10.1±2.2 (6.7–16.0) 0.008*
R 10.7±7.3 (5.4–49.0) 12.2±2.7 (8.1–17.8)* 11.2±6.0 (5.4–49.0)
Middle finger L 10.8±1.3 (8.5–14.0) 11.6±1.6 (9.3–15.5)* 0.922 11.1±1.5 (8.5–15.5) 0.005*
R 10.8±1.3 (8.6–13.4) 10.2±1.4 (7.6–11.9) 10.6±1.4 (7.6–13.4)
Ring finger L 25.6±3.4 (20.7–39.1) 27.0±2.3 (23.1–31.7) 0.029* 26.1±3.1 (20.7–39.1) 0.122
R 24.6±2.6 (19.1–30.7) 26.0±1.7 (23.3–29.5) 25.1±2.4 (19.1–30.7)
Angles (°) Radial natural L 23.5±7.7 (5.3–49.5) 26.3±3.8 (17.7–31.6)* 0.112 24.5±6.6 (5.3–49.5) 0.003*
R 21.3±8.6 (9.5–59.3) 24.1±5.4 (16.0–35.3) 22.3±7.6 (9.5–59.3)
Ulnar natural L 23.5±7.7 (5.3–49.5)* 26.3±3.8 (17.7–31.6)* 0.043* 24.5±6.6 (5.3–49.5) 0.044*
R 21.3±8.6 (9.5–59.3) 24.1 ±5.4 (16.0–35.3) 22.3±7.6 (9.5–59.3)
Radial deviation’s L 63.3±7.3 (46.7–75.3) 66.1±8.7 (53.8–86.6) 0.180 64.4±7.9 (46.7–86.6) 0.190
R 64.75±8.57 (36.9–82.3) 68.1±8.3 (52.5–82.7) 66.0±8.5 (36.9–82.7)
Ulnar deviation’s L 48.8±10.3 (31.0–73.0) 52.9 ±10.5 (31.3–69.0) 0.112 50.3±10.5 (31.0–73.0) 0.658
R 51.4±8.6 (32.7–70.6) 53.3±9.2 (32.8–67.1) 52.1±8.8 (32.8–70.6)
Gras/grip L 50.7±6.1 (38.8–62.4) 47.4±4.6 (39.9–58.3) 0.360 49.5±5.8 (38.8–62.4) 0.390
R 50.1±6.3 (40.0–65.1) 46.7±4.0 (37.5–53.4) 48.8±5.7 (37.5–65.1)
Values of the fingers with maximum abduction (MAX) MAX1-3 L 55.1±7.4 (37.1–69.8) 54.9±6.0 (42.6–66.8) <0.001* 55.0±6.8 (37.1–69.8) 0.140
MAX1-3 R 50.8±6.6 (39.3–65.9) 53.1±5.4 (45.5–64.7) 51.7±6.2 (39.3–65.8)
MAX2-3 L 18.1±2.8 (13.2–27.1) 16.7±2.0 (13.5–20.1) 0.060 17.5±2.6 (13.2–27.1) 0.610
MAX2-3 R 16.7±2.4 (11.8–22.6) 17.1±2.9 (12.1–22.6) 16.8±2.6 (11.8–22.6)
MAX3-4 L 13.9±2.3 (10.4–19.6) 13.4±1.8 (10.2–16.2) 0.010* 13.7±2.1 (10.2–19.6) 0.170
MAX3-4 R 15.3±2.7 (10.8–20.3) 14.0±2.0 (11.3–17.3) 14.8±2.5 (10.8–20.3)
MAX3-5 L 31.8±3.2 (26.0–37.2) 30.9±3.3 (23.6–36.1) 0.001* 31.5±3.2 (23.6–37.2) 0.570*
MAX3-5 R 33.6±3.9 (26.3–42.4)* 31.4±3.3 (24.1–37.9) 32.8±3.8 (24.1–42.4)

Values are presented as mean±SD (range). L, left; R, right; DP, differences between the lengths of the distal phalanxes; MAX, angle of fingers in maximum abduction. The statistical values greater than *P>0.05.

Anat Cell Biol 2024;57:172~182
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