Fig. 1. Three-dimensional volume rendering, left side, medial view of carotid system. 1. Aortic arch; 2. common trunk of origin of the brachiocephalic trunk and left common carotid artery; 3. brachiocephalic trunk; 4. left common carotid artery; 5. left subclavian artery; 6. vertebral artery; 7. carotid duct (arrowheads); 8. blunt trunk at the origin of the left external carotid artery; 9. thyroid cartilage; 10. greater horn of hyoid bone; 11. superior thyroid artery; 12. lingual artery; 13. facial artery; 14. occipital artery; 15. maxillary artery; 16. internal jugular vein; 17. retromandibular vein; 18. external carotid artery; 19. internal carotid artery; 20. styloid process; 21. tip of the transverse process of atlas.
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