Fig. 5. H&E-stained liver sections; (A, B) Control group, the hepatic central vein (CV) with polygonal hepatocytes (H) shows acidophilic cytoplasm and vesicular nucleus. Thin wall blood sinusoids (S) radiating between hepatocytes cords with their lining endothelium was seen. (C) CCL4 group, the hepatocytes show disorganization of hepatic cords. The portal regions show cellular degeneration (arrows), some hepatocytes showed pyknotic nuclei (arrow heads) while others have vesicular nuclei (H). Some hepatocytes show rarefication of their cytoplasm (curved arrows) while others have cytoplasmic vacuolations (V) and hemorrhage (stars). (D) Another section in the same group shows marked dilated congested vein in the periportal and pericentral areas (star). Also, cellular degeneration with inflammatory infiltrate (IF) in the portal region (arrows) was seen. (E, F) SeNPs group, the hepatocytes show more or less normal architecture (arrowheads) with normal hepatic cords. Note small dark pyknotic nuclei (arrows) and mild congestion of the CV. (G, H) DFE group, effectively cessation of inflammatory response with the improvement of hepatocytic degeneration and regain of the normal architecture excluding some areas (arrows). Some hepatocytes show cytoplasmic vacuolations (V). CCL4, carbon tetrachloride; SeNPs, selenium-nanoparticles.
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