Fig. 5. Micrographs immunolocalize caspase 3 in rat’s ovaries (A–D). (A) The control group demonstrates limited stain. (B) The SOF-treated group in which SOF significantly upregulates the caspase 3 positive cells, which are predominantly located in the cytoplasm of the cells, compared to the control group. The brown-stained cells concentrate at granulosa and luteal cells. (C) The Vit E-treated group, and (D) the SOF+Vit E treated group, where the number of caspase 3 positive cells are reduced as compared to the SOF group. (E) Histogram illustrates the quantitative analysis of the intensity of caspase 3 stain in different experimental groups. The SOF-treated group demonstrates a statically significant upregulation compared to the control group, ****P<0.00001. The SOF+Vit E co-treatment significantly reduces the caspase 3 immuno-staining in comparison with the SOF treated group, ####P<0.00001 (Bar=20 μm). SOF, Sofosbuvir; Vit E, vitamin E.
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