ACB 로고

pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673
Table. 6.

A table summarizing the results from pearson chi-square tests investigating the measurements and their possible relationship to sex or ancestry of the cadavers

Measurement description Sex Ancestry
P-value P-value
Length rectus capitis posterior major [AB] 0.418 0.418
Length OCS [CD] 0.418 0.418
Length OCI [EF] 0.418 0.418
Length OCI in IST [FG] 0.479 0.563
Length posterior intertransversarii [HI] 0.418 0.418
Length lamina [JK] 0.370 0.563
Area ST 0.418 0.418
Area IST 0.418 0.418

OCS, obliquus capitis superior; OCI, obliquus capitis inferior; IST, inferior suboccipital triangle; ST, suboccipital triangle. P-values larger than 0.05 indicates no statistically significant difference between the sex- and ancestry groups of the cadavers.

Anat Cell Biol 2023;56:350~359
© Anat Cell Biol

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