ACB 로고

pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673
Table. 2.

Origin and number of MCN and ICN types

Origin Number of branches of each MCN type (case) Number of branches of each ICN type (case)

1 branch type(8 cases) 2 branches type(15 cases) 3 branches type(17 cases) 1 branch type(35 cases) 2 branches type(5 cases)
PTN 2 7 5
PTNa) 3 1
LPN 2 35 4
PTN, PTN, and MPN 1
PTNa) and PTN 5
PTNa) and MPN 1 1
PTN and MPN 6 3
PTN and LPN 1
PTN, LPN, and MPN 2

MCN, medial calcaneal nerve; ICN, inferior calcaneal nerve; PTN, posterior tibial nerve; LPN, lateral plantar nerve; MPN, medial plantar nerve. a)High division branch of PTN.

Anat Cell Biol 2020;53:422~434
© Anat Cell Biol

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