ACB 로고

pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673
Table. 1.

The locations and widths of MPN, MPA, LPN, and LPA on MC axis and NC axis

Measurements MPN MPA LPN LPA
Locations of neurovascular structures on MC axis from medial malleolus (mm) 39.62±4.19 44.76±4.45 49.47±4.88 53.56±5.12
Locations of neurovascular structures on MC axis from medial process of calcaneal tubercle (mm) 34.00±3.85 30.22±2.96 24.17±3.55 20.59±4.86
Width of neurovascular structures on MC axis (mm) 3.46±0.58 2.19±0.20 3.58±0.09 3.08±0.27
Locations of neurovascular structures on NC axis from tubercle of navicular bone (mm) 25.64±3.22 30.07±3.77 39.13±4.19 44.93±4.71
Locations of neurovascular structures on NC axis from medial process of calcaneal tubercle (mm) 33.78±4.28 31.62±4.01 21.35±5.31 16.82±5.43
Width of neurovascular structures on NC axis (mm) 4.40±0.31 2.14±0.21 3.50±0.16 2.23±0.22

Values are presented as mean±SD. MPN, medial plantar nerve; MPA, medial plantar artery; LPN, lateral plantar nerve; LPA, lateral plantar artery; MC, malleolar-calcaneal; NC, navicular-calcaneal.

Anat Cell Biol 2020;53:422~434
© Anat Cell Biol

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