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open access eISSN 2093-3673

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Article Articles

December, 2024, Vol.57 No 4


< Previous Anat Cell Biol 2024; 57(4): 481~625
  • Morphology and variations of middle cerebral artery: systematic review and meta-analysis

    Keywords : Middle cerebral artery, Cerebral angiography, Aneurysm, Embryology, Histology
  • Striated muscle fiber crossings of the head and neck: a histological study using near-term human fetuses and elderly cadavers

    Keywords : Striated muscle fibers, Facial muscles, Soft palate, Intrinsic tongue muscle, Mechanoreceptors
  • Anatomical study of variations in the configurations of the circle of Willis in relation to age, sex, and diameters of the components

    Keywords : Anatomic variation, Circle of Willis, Cerebral angiography, Cerebral arteries, Magnetic resonance angiography
  • Visualization of the infratemporal fossa: enhancing anatomical learning through three-dimensional modeling

    Keywords : Anatomical learning, Infratemporal fossa, Mandibular nerve, Maxillary artery, Three-dimensional modeling
  • The lymphatic drainage of the goat heart

    Keywords : Goats, Heart, Lymphatic vessel, Lymph nodes, Lymphovenous anastomosis
  • An unreported variant of palmaris longus muscle

    Keywords : Ulnar artery, Hand, Variation, Forearm, Aponeurosis
  • A unilateral partial duplication of a fetal variant posterior cerebral artery associated with anomalous origin of duplicated superior cerebellar artery: a case report

    Keywords : Posterior communicating artery, Hypoplastic, Posterior cerebral artery, Superior cerebellar artery, Variation
  • A rare variation in popliteal artery branching: anterior tibial artery and fibular artery from the common tibiofibular trunk

    Keywords : Anatomic variation, Popliteal artery, Tibial arteries, Orthopedics
  • A variant deep femoral artery passing anterior to femoral vein: an anatomical observation with implication in femoral vein cannulation

    Keywords : Angiography, Arteries, Femoral artery, Femoral vein, Vascular system injuries
  • Unusual nerve communication in gluteal region: embryological basis and clinical perspective

    Keywords : Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, Inferior gluteal nerve, Gluteal, Nerve block